Intretinerea motoarelor

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Membru din: Mar Apr 19, 2011 7:35 pm
Localitate: Bucuresti

Intretinerea motoarelor

Mesaj necitit de skipper »

Un articol foarte bun in PBO despre cum sa pregatim motoarele outboard pt iarna si, Doamne fereste, ce este de facut in cazul in care l-am scapat in apa!

Draining the carburettor

Petrol now contains up to 10% ethanol, which goes off in a surprisingly short period of time, gumming up the intricate innards of the all-important carburettor. The smaller the volume of fuel, the quicker it will go off, according to Rob Day. On the Honda 6hp we used in this demo, the small puddle of fuel left in the carburettor when you stop the engine could go off in as little as three weeks. The 1.5lt in the fuel tank will keep for only a little longer.

The simplest cure for carb problems is to let your engine run dry by cutting the fuel supply instead of stopping the motor using the killcord. Ethanol is also hygroscopic – it soaks up moisture leading to corrosion in your engine. The addition of fuel stabiliser will go some way towards helping this.

The following steps to drain your carburettor and fuel tank will guarantee extended life for your engine when storage for more than a week or two is even a remote possibility.

Honda BF6 fuel flow

1. Switch off the fuel flow – the valve lever is usually clearly marked.
Honda BF6 drain carburettor

2. Attach a tube (provided with engine) to the drain nozzle, putting the other end in a container.
Honda BF6 drain carburettor

3. Loosen the drain screw and let gravity do its job
Honda BF6 drain carburettor

4. Retighten the drain screw, remove tube and sleep easy. Job done!
Draining the fuel tank

The easiest way to drain the fuel tank is to let gravity do the job for you:
Honda BF6 drain fuel tank

1. With the fuel tap off, detach the clip holding the fuel line to the fuel pump.
Honda BF6 drain fuel tank

2. Feed the line into a suitable container and open the fuel line

Storage tips for small 4-stroke outboards
1. Lay the engine on the correct side

All portable 4-strokes have supports to indicate which side they should be laid on the floor. Incorrect storage will cause engine oil to leak out of the crank case. This makes a mess but only causes long-term damage if you fail to replace the lost oil before starting the engine.
Honda BF6 storage

All Honda portable 4-stroke engines have supports to indicate which side they should be laid on.
2. Drain water cooling systems

The cooling galleries throughout the engine will naturally drain with the engine in the upright position out of the water. If you operate your engine in salt water, refer to the manual for how to flush the system through with fresh water. But if there is any danger of sub-zero temperatures while the engine is being stored out of the water, it is important to expel the last few drops from the cooling system as follows:
Honda BF6: disconnect the killcord

1. Disconnect the killcord
2. Remove the spark plug cap
3. Gently pull the starter coil half a dozen times. This will slowly turn the impeller and expel the last few drops of water from the system.
3. Preventing corrosion on cylinder bore and piston rings

Outboards are rarely stored in climate controlled conditions, so to prevent the cylinder bore and piston rings from getting rusty, take the following precautions:

1. Having disconnected the killcord and removed the spark plug cap, unscrew the spark plug.

2. Squirt about a teaspoonful of oil in through the plug hole and gently pull the starter coil half a dozen times before replacing the spark plug. Expect a few minutes of smoky performance when restarting the engine as this oil burns off
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Kapitän zur See
Kapitän zur See
Mesaje: 1159
Membru din: Mie Apr 20, 2011 1:36 pm
Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: Intretinerea motoarelor

Mesaj necitit de Florio »

Discuțiile sunt multe și nuanțate, pe tema asta.
Făcând o sinteză, majoritatea sfaturilor ar fi că golirea carburatorului poate fi o greșeală, din mai multe motive:
1. Oricum nu poți goli total sistemul.
2. Benzina rămasă se va deprecia mult mai rău în contact cu aerul din instalație, decât dacă sistemul rămâne plin.
3. Aerul din sistemul golit, face să se deprecieze diverse piese și garnituri, care sunt concepute să stea în contact cu benzina. Contactul prelungit cu aerul, le usucă, dându-le rigiditate și posibilă fisurare.

Soluția folosită pe scară largă la motoarele pe benzină care au perioade mai lungi de nefuncționare, este de a se adăuga în benzină, un aditiv stabilizator, de tip ”Gas stabilizer”, care păstrează calitatea carburantului în timp și nu îl lasă să producă suspensii ce s-ar depune în diverse locuri.

Personal, am mers pe această variantă și deja am pornit pe al 11-lea an de când utilizez acest motor, fără a avea vreodată probleme.

Primii ani n-am pus nimic în benzină, și nici n-am golit carburatoarele (am 4 carburatoare la fi ceva de bibilit :) ) .

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